Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Language Teaching

Language is an important part of our personality & we carry it all along all the time. It reflects not only our education & knowledge but also reflects our family back-ground too, so it must be given a good care.

I wonder how some people promote mere translation to learn English language. Translation seems to be an easy way for going ahead, but the essence of the language is completely lost. We all love “golgappas” being hot & spicy, but how some people on street make them full of tomatoes sauces making those dull & boring. Translation spoils the thing as it should be, English is not just any language & why only English, for all languages, it’s the culture, accent we ought to learn.

Many may disagree with me but I would stick to my belief & experience of 12 years, rather giving stress on translation the teachers should try gestures, postures & simpler language to make a student understand. All of us have learnt at least one language without going to school & class, the question is how?


We listened.

We copied.

We followed.

We saw.

We repeated

& we started.

And my friends that the only one way to learn any language. I have seen teachers & students not paying enough stress on listening & that’s the real issue. Listening is really a good activity. Listening to a good language plays an important role in learning. The more we listen, the better we become in vocabulary & pronunciation. We all have heard of the story about one mouth & two ears, and ask me it really has a meaning. The two ears & a mouth say that listen more speak less.

Next is speaking

Believe me friends most of us are weak in this department. The opportunity to speak is either denied or lost. One must not loss the golden chance of speaking to any gathering.

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