Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Handicapped children

Some children are born with physical disabilities. They are either blind or deaf or in some way deformed from birth. They are the handicapped children. They deserve our special attention.

Up to recent times, little planned action was taken to fit the handicapped children in normal life. They were considered as a burden on the society and their families. They were looked upon as an object of pity. Very seriously thought that these handicapped children could also grow into useful members of the society. In spite of their physical disabilities, they might have the abilities in other directions.

Only during the last few decades has the society slowly come to acknowledge its responsibilities to the handicapped children. It is beginning to realize that handicapped children can be trained in several ways to play a part a useful part in economic as well as social life.

20………..are being observed as the year of the handicapped. It is hoped that the handicapped children will be given their due place in society. Their problems will be understood. Special institutions will be set up to make them self- reliant. They will be included in the mainstream of life and given to feeling that they are no longer unwanted.

Self Respect

There is an essential element in human life, without which we cannot face the world successfully. That element is self respect.

With self respect you can conquer the world. Without it, you are defeated. It should be your firm belief that you are worthy it yourself and to your community.

If you suffer feeling from inferiority, understand how this feeling has come about; why it persists in your life and take practical steps to be free from such feeling.

A person felt bad in the presence of other people. When it is analyzed it was found that as a young boy he had a humiliating experience at a party. Later he tried to forget about it. But the experience had stayed with him.

A great deal of inferiority feeling is an expression of earlier humiliation. A small girl was sure of her mother’s affection. The one ambition of her infant life was to be accepted and loved by her mother. To her surprise a brother was born. She developed the feeling that her mother loved the baby but does not love her. And so inferiority feeling troubled her.

What does a child do when, in his search for satisfaction finds himself humiliated? He turns the energies that would normally go into fulfillment employs them in his rebellion.

As he cannot find fulfillment in acceptance and love, secretly he becomes the enemy of those who seem to “trouble” him and in rebellion; he gets a kind of satisfaction.

As he cannot get his joy out of being admired, he will suffer until his heart suffers with pain. This practice becomes habit forming. You must break this pattern of life at all costs.

As a child, you felt yourself rejected and therefore felt worthless. This was your first mistake. It is this first error you must rectify.

Now, repeatedly, you must tell yourself you are wanted and loved. You must break the feeling of humiliation and revenge by understanding its origin and by giving up the habit that rooted itself in your life.

You must create a new pattern of life. You cannot do it in a day. Constantly the old pattern of worthlessness will try to assert itself again. But you must continue to try and overcome such feeling.

Tell yourself that you are as good as anyone else. Insist on happiness and fulfillment. Build a new habit of thought and experience. Develop feelings of hope, optimism and happiness. Start every day  by strengthening your determination.

Make sure what your real desires are. Do you really want happiness, affection and success? Work this out everyday morning before you start the day. Once you have the right burning desire coupled with determination, the way to freedom is in your hands.

Believe in yourself. Increase your self-respect and appreciate your value. Know you are wanted and loved. Start life afresh knowing that the satisfaction of love and acceptance are richer in reward.

Language Teaching

Language is an important part of our personality & we carry it all along all the time. It reflects not only our education & knowledge but also reflects our family back-ground too, so it must be given a good care.

I wonder how some people promote mere translation to learn English language. Translation seems to be an easy way for going ahead, but the essence of the language is completely lost. We all love “golgappas” being hot & spicy, but how some people on street make them full of tomatoes sauces making those dull & boring. Translation spoils the thing as it should be, English is not just any language & why only English, for all languages, it’s the culture, accent we ought to learn.

Many may disagree with me but I would stick to my belief & experience of 12 years, rather giving stress on translation the teachers should try gestures, postures & simpler language to make a student understand. All of us have learnt at least one language without going to school & class, the question is how?


We listened.

We copied.

We followed.

We saw.

We repeated

& we started.

And my friends that the only one way to learn any language. I have seen teachers & students not paying enough stress on listening & that’s the real issue. Listening is really a good activity. Listening to a good language plays an important role in learning. The more we listen, the better we become in vocabulary & pronunciation. We all have heard of the story about one mouth & two ears, and ask me it really has a meaning. The two ears & a mouth say that listen more speak less.

Next is speaking

Believe me friends most of us are weak in this department. The opportunity to speak is either denied or lost. One must not loss the golden chance of speaking to any gathering.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Right To Education

Right to education is very much fine but without giving emphasis on the infrastructure its baseless law. It’s not going to benefit any one except the RTI activities piling more and more queries. I don’t understand why law makers fail to visualize the future impact.

What is the meaning of right to education for the child hails from where no schools are available?

What’s about the Govt. school, where the shortage of teachers is degrading the standard day by day?

Education is very sensitive subject. Any step taken without due consideration of all facts and cases, will only take us to the dark.

The standard of education in USA is the best example. They accept the fact that the student there lacks interest in Math’s and science and even the Presidents of USA have expressed their concern time to time.

We are continuously coping the western standard, knowing that they have failed. The Indian brain dominating all aspects of profession is not the outcome of these changing faces of school education.

Navodaya vidyalaya which have always topped in tenth and twelfth CBSE result all over India is in jeopardy whether to conduct entrance exams or not. The school is well known for nourishing the talented poor students for all over the country. Its future remains in doldrums. The benefit of these laws will go to the private schools and losers will be the government and govt. aided schools.

Right to education without creating infrastructure is just like allowing every one turn by turn participating in 100m race in Olympics.

Lakhs of science graduates pass, but what happens? They mostly end up doing jobs as clerks, Sales and call centres.

What is the next level?

Govt always accuses Coaching institutes and private schools for making education a business.

That might be true for some extent, but if the govt. comes up with a quality schooling system for all with the par to these private institutes. Ten only you can expect some cooling down.

But the fact will always remain that the govt. has failed badly in primary education sector.

Zero 2 Hero

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